Mother Tongue

“Language is the armoury of the human mind, and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Mother tongue, is a language which is the first language when we start to perfectly speaking, it is the language that a person learns from birth and it is primary for human communication. It is the language that we are most familiar with and feel most comfortable using. For many people, their mother tongue is an important part of their cultural identity. It is a language that is passed down from generation to generation and is often associated with a particular region or country. So, it is inherited asset for every person. The use and preservation of mother tongues are essential for maintaining cultural diversity and understanding. In today’s world, where globalization has led to the spread of the English language, there is a growing concern about the decline of mother tongues. Many parents now choose to speak English to their children from an early age, in the belief that it will give them a better chance of success in life. This, however, can lead to the loss of the mother tongue, and with it, a loss of cultural heritage.

What is the wrong thing happen as per my view if we ignore our mother tongue :

• Mother tongue is not only our inherited property but it is part of our culture. Our responsibilities to protect it. Today we all ignore our mother tongue value for other language just for getting some money matters.

• Our base is the mother tongue in our childhood time when we are in grown up stage, without it we never make bonding with our social value.

• Also we manytime make less value infront of others for our mother tongue, when we do not know anything about how and what to speak our mother tongue was the base.

• Unfortunately, many people feel embarrassed or ashamed to speak their mother tongue in public, particularly if it is not the dominant language in their region or country. This can lead to a lack of confidence in their abilities and a reluctance to pass the language down to future generations.

Too much important role of mother tongue as per my view :

• Research has shown that being bilingual or multilingual can have a positive effect on cognitive abilities and can even delay the onset of dementia in old age. In addition, being able to speak one’s mother tongue can help to preserve cultural traditions and foster a sense of belonging and identity.

• When we learn some other language our mind first think only in mother tongue and try to convert it in to other language. To counteract this, it is important to recognize the value of mother tongues and to actively promote their use and preservation. This can be done through initiatives such as language classes, cultural events, and the inclusion of mother tongue education in schools.

In conclusion, mother tongues are an essential part of cultural identity and should be valued and preserved. By promoting their use and encouraging their learning.

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